a collection of .pdf files organized by luca hrafnasvinr, primarily focused on folk religions & other folk magical customs.

files are organized primarily by the continent of their origin, and then by country—there is a separate section for traditions which are generalized across geographical borders. (as a side note, 'eurasian' countries are listed under both asia and europe.) within each section, everything's alphabetized, and in the bottom right hand corner of this page, a 'scroll to top' button will appear that will bring you back to the main navigation buttons.

as a reminder: links are monetized with adf.ly. all links lead to mediafire downloads. please disable your adblocker if using, as i am a poor trans person and in need of monetary assistance, even if only pocket change.

none of the literary materials on this page are copyrighted.


*icons by anbileru adaleru @ the noun project.
algonquin traditions
ancient greece & rome
  • The Art and Artifacts Associated with the Cult of Dionysus
  • Astronomy and ancient Greek cult: an application of archaeoastronomy to Greek religious architecture, cosmologies and landscapes
  • The Bona Dea Cult
  • Civilization and duality in the Heracles myth
  • The Cult of Aphrodite at Aphrodisias in Caria
  • Cults of Artemis in Ancient Greece
  • Demon Possession in the Greco-Roman World
  • Emotion, Performance, and Death Ritual in Inner Mani
  • The Etruscan Wolfman in Myth and Ritual
  • Fetus Magic and Sorcery Fears in Roman Egypt
  • Goddesses as Consorts of the Healing Gods in Gallia Belgica and the Germaniae: Forms of Cult and Ritual Practices
  • Greek Death-Cult, Modern and Ancient: A Comparison of a Mediterranean and Balkan Cultural Pattern
  • The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation
  • Kretan cult and customs, especially in the Classical and Hellenistic periods: a religious, social and political study
  • Magic Circles: an Approach to Greek Ritual
  • Magic in the Ancient Greek World
  • Of Metis and Magic: The Conceptual Transformations of Circe and Medea in Ancient Greek Poetry
  • Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion
  • The Neglected Heavens: Gender and the Cults of Helios, Selene, and Eos in Bronze Age and Historical Greece
  • Pilgrims and Pilgrimage in the Hellenic World
  • Performing Femininity: Gender in Ancient Greek Myth
  • Religion and Cults in Pannonia
  • Religious Competition and Roman Piety
  • Rituals of Magical Rainmaking in Modern and Ancient Greece
  • The Role of the Bull in Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and Its Survival into Greek Religion
  • Roman Agricultural Magic
  • The Sacred Stones in Ancient Greek and Macedonian Folk Traditions
  • The sea as a place of no return in ancient Greece
  • The Sea in the Greek Poets
  • Threatened Wombs: Aspects of Ancient Uterine Magic
  • nordic & germanic traditions
  • The Archaeology of Seidr: Circumpolar Traditions in Viking Pre-Christian Religion
  • A search for the sacred: contemporary shamanism in the north of Norway and Sweden
  • Blåkulla and Its Antecedents: Transvection and Conventicles in Nordic Witchcraft
  • The Circle & The Cross: Saxon Paganism
  • Contradictory cosmology in old norse myth and religion - but still a system
  • Early Religious Practice in Norse Greenland: From the Period of Settlement to the 12th Century
  • The Enchanted Islands: A Comparison of Mythological Traditions from Ireland and Iceland
  • Food, blood, and little white stones: A study of ritual in the Icelandic Viking Age hall
  • Freyja's Cats: Perspectives on Recent Viking Age Finds in _egjandadalur North Iceland
  • 'Holy Warriors' of the Barbarian Society: Mythology and Reality Concerning the Germanic 'Animal-Warriors'
  • Horg, hov, and ve: a pre-Christian cult place at Ranheim in Trondelag, Norway
  • 'How can his word be trusted': speaker and authority in Old Norse wisdom poetry
  • Initiation Rituals in Old Norse Texts and their Relationship to Finno-Karelian Bear Cult Rituals
  • Lady With A Mead Cup
  • Learning Magic in the Sagas
  • Loki, the Vätte, and the Ash Lad: A Study Combining Old Scandinavian and Late Material
  • Myth and Ritual in Pre-Christian Scandinavian Landscape
  • Remnants of Revenants: The Role of the Dreaded Draugr in Medieval Iceland
  • Representations of the pagan afterlife in medieval Scandinavian literature
  • Riding to the Afterlife: The Role of Horses in Early Medieval Northwestern Europe
  • Sacrifice and Sacrificial Idealogy in Old Norse Religion
  • Some Controversial Aspects of the Myth of Baldr
  • Syncretism in Nordic Folk Medicine
  • Texts and Contexts of the Oldest Runic Inscriptions
  • Veni, vidi, mori: The Eddic Poem Grimnismál as a Dramatic and Mythological Unity
  • The whirling wheel: the male construction of empowered female identities in Old Norse myth and legend
  • Women in the Viking Age: Death, Life After Death, and Burial Customs
  • oceania
    general magic & tradition